You know, Denji could use a break sometime in Chainsaw Man. It feels like things just keep getting worse for him by the minute, and Tatsuki Fujimoto just can’t stop pushing him down a seemingly endless flight of stairs. Chainsaw Man Chapter 170 may be one of the most bleak yet, with a fan-favorite character seemingly getting their just deserts.
If you haven’t read Chainsaw Man Chapter 170, please stop reading here. Otherwise, be prepared for quite the surprising revelation waiting for you just ahead.

The past few Chapters of Chainsaw Man have been some of the wildest to date, but it seems that fans are more viscerally upset with how the friendship between Denji and Nayuta has come to a close. While they have had nearly 50 chapters together, it seems that their friendship may be finished.
It appears that Denji just got served a horrifying plate of relaxation once Barem called out the final plate, seeing Nayuta’s head served down a sushi line. Does this mean that he just got done eating one of his closest friends, or is Barem not that cruel? It’s hard to say at this point, but there is one thing we can say — this makes Chapter 168 look like nothing.
Related: Chainsaw Man Chapter 169 Recap & Spoilers
As we can expect after seeing something so horrifying, fans are making waves on social media about this tragic ending to a beloved character. Seeing Denji consistently slammed for shock value has become rather depressing lately, and I’m scared to see what’s going to happen to him next.
Even seeing how some of his worst enemies react to this is disturbing. Katana Man is one of the worst offenders when it comes to treating Denji like a piece of garbage, but maybe he’ll finally loosen up on our favorite little guy in the future after seeing something this tragic happen.
Fujimoto must love the idea of making their readers as depressed as possible, and I must say, it’s working like a charm. The past few chapters of Chainsaw Man have been impressively bleak, so we can only hope that Denji gets a win soon, or it may be over for him. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to be sick.
Chainsaw Man is available to read on VIZ, and available to watch on Crunchyroll.