Few things make an event exciting in Pokemon GO quite like a new Shiny Pokemon to hunt. Thanks to the Aquatic Paradise event, we’ve got the debut of Shiny Ducklett, and here’s everything you need to know to catch one.
Can Ducklett Be Shiny in Pokemon GO?
Yes, as of the Aquatic Paradise event on July 6, 2024, Shiny Ducklett will be available in Pokemon GO.
Shiny Ducklett features pink and purple colors, making it one of the easier ones to tell apart from its usual blue counterpart.
Its evolved form, Swanna, should be available as a Shiny as well if you evolve your Shiny Ducklett, though Niantic didn’t mention it in the official debut announcement. However, evolved-form Shinies do typically show up at the same time as the base Pokemon.
How to Catch Shiny Ducklett in Pokemon GO

Like any Shiny, catching Shiny Ducklett will be mostly up to chance. However, the more Ducklett you encounter, the more likely you are to spot the Shiny version.
Your best bet for running into Shiny Ducklett is going to be Wild Encounters. Ducklett doesn’t currently hatch from eggs, nor is it typically a Raid Boss, so catching it in the wild is the primary way to come across this adorable duck Pokemon.
Many trainers report that water-type Pokemon like Ducklett spawn more often near bodies of water, and I’ve definitely seen a few from my own walks around the local lake. So, if you have some water nearby, it might help your Shiny Hunt to spend some time wandering around the local lake or river.
Remember to use Daily Adventure Incense and regular Incense when out and about, as this will increase the number of spawns and your chances of encountering Ducklett.
Another tip for getting Shiny Ducklett is to play during events where it is a featured wild spawn. For instance, Ducklett will appear more often in the wild during its Shiny debut event, Aquatic Paradise, on July 6 through July 9 2024. Since Ducklett will spawn more often, you’ll be able to catch more of them and increase your chances of finding a Shiny.
Boost Your Chances with the Aquatic Paradise Paid Timed Research
Besides Raids and hatching eggs, the main Pokemon-catching alternative to wild spawns is research reward encounters. In fact, another way to encounter more Ducklett in Pokemon GO will be available for a limited time during the debut Shiny Ducklett event through a Paid Timed Research path.
If you opt-in for the Paid Timed Research for Aquatic Paradise, you’ll get access to Special Research that leads to Ducklett encounters. While a Shiny Ducklett isn’t more likely from reward encounters, these encounters will guarantee a few extra chances to get lucky. You’ll also get some Lucky Eggs and plenty of Ducklett candies as well, so it’s not a bad deal.
The Paid Timed Research for Aquatic Paradise costs $1.99 USD or local equivalent and will be available from July 6 – July 9 and all tasks must be completed before the event ends.
This may be the only event we know of right now that features Ducklett encounters, but it’s always worth taking a look at research rewards for future events. You never know when Ducklett might show up as a reward encounter, giving you more chances to Shiny hunt it.
With Shiny Ducklett out in the world, fans of feathered Pokemon have another critter to catch. Best of luck out there, trainers!