Getting a whole fireteam of six people together for a raid in Destiny 2 isn’t easy at all. What if you don’t have five other friends who are all geared up appropriately for it? What if you hate having to use third-party tools like Reddit or LFG to experience what is one of Destiny 2‘s most rewarding gameplay modes?
It’s rough out there for introverts and lone players. And it’s a damn shame, especially since the raids have always been the most impressive part of Destiny. I’ll never forget my first foray into the Vault of Glass, where the only thing you had to go on with was “Raise the spire.” Or the times I spent staying up till 4 a.m. on the verge of giving up on taking down SIVA in Wrath of the Machine, only for everything to finally come together in the last, cathartic attempt.

Destiny raids are very special, which is why I wholeheartedly recommend at least giving the new Dual Destiny quest in The Final Shape expansion a go, especially if you’ve never had the chance to check out a raid.
Dual Destiny is a new quest in Destiny 2 that became available after the world’s first completion of the new Salvation’s Edge raid, and it’s a repeatable quest that allows you to farm for your Exotic class item. Starting the quest itself is already a bit of a puzzle, but once you get in, you’re in for a real treat.
To start, this quest requires you to take it on with one other player. No more, no less. As someone who generally enjoys playing solo, this is an annoying requirement, but it’s not terrible.
The mechanics of the entire Dual Destiny dungeon are extremely raid-like, with cryptic objectives and hints that you and your partner need to figure out on your own. We’re talking seeing random floating symbols in the air and having to get the other person to go into another room to shoot the symbols in order to progress. We’re talking strange clock-like structures with orbs lit up in a pattern with seemingly no rhyme or reason to them and having to figure out which ones to activate.

Dual Destiny demands teamwork from you and your partner, and coordination is key to getting through the puzzles and making it through to the end. This isn’t a quest that you can just brute force through by over-leveling, and that’s the special ingredient that makes Destiny’s raids so rewarding.
I won’t spoil the mission for those who have yet to tackle it, but Bungie also caps off this mission with a very poignant final decision that you and your partner have to make together. It’s unlike anything else we’ve ever seen in Destiny, and while it ultimately doesn’t have any bearing on the overall gameplay experience, it’s still a fun moment that makes this quest all the more special.
If you’ve always shied away from raids because you’ve never been able to get a group together, Dual Destiny succeeds at replicating a similar sense of accomplishment you’d get from doing that activity. It’s well worth checking out, and who knows? Maybe it’ll even inspire you to start reaching out to fellow introverted players online to get a little raid group together.
Destiny 2 is available now.