As you progress through the Land of Shadow in Elden Ring, Scedutree Blessing Levels will determine your overall power. Here’s how many Scadutree blessing levels there are in Elden Ring.
What Is the Max Scadutree Blessing Level in Elden Ring?

The maximum Scadutree Blessing Level is 20 in Shadow of the Erdtree. Once you get to 20, you can still collect more Scadutree Fragments in New Game+, but they aren’t going to help your character any longer. This DLC is specifically designed to scale with the fragments, with flat damage and damage reduction. So, once you reach level 20, your character is going to be much more powerful than most of the enemies in the Shadow Realm.
Your first Scadutree Blessing level can be earned with a single fragment at a Site of Grace. As you increase your level, more fragments are needed. Eventually, you will need at least four Scadutree Fragments at a time to reach the maximum level. If you remember the Flask system from the base game, the Golden Seeds worked in the exact same way. Reaching those final levels is going to take a ton of exploration and attention to detail.
Related: How to Get the Great Katana in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Because of the way scaling works in Shadow of the Erdtree, there won’t be a massive difference between the first few New Game+ runs and a standard new game. That means you can save your blessing level and then head back into the Land of Shadow to find the easier fragments. Your second run of the DLC should be much easier if you can’t find all the Scadutree Fragments hidden on the map. Either way, your search is over after you reach level 20.
Scadutree Fragment Buff in Elden Ring Explained
After the June 26 update for Scadutree Fragments in Shadow of the Erdtree, the power levels were buffed but the max level remains the same. If you explore every corner of the Shadow Realm, you will still end up with 20 levels in total. However, your power spike will happen much sooner.
At around level 13, there is a 20% increase in power when compared to the Fragments from before the nerf. After around level 15, there are diminishing returns. With that said, the max level is now slightly stronger than it was before the update.
Elden Ring is available now on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.